Réseau des Bains de Mer - RBM

This site is under construction - April  2024

The Réseau des Bain des Mer or RBM  was a collection of five light railways of metre gauge located in the Somme region of northern France. They were built in the period 1850 to 1900 and last section closed for commercial traffic in 1965.

Fortunately a section of the overall system survives to this day as a tourist railway, the Chemin de Fer de la Baie de Somme, which runs from Cayeux sur Mer in the south to Le Crotoy in the north, via the old junction station of Noyelles-sur-mer.

This web site does not look closely at the CFBS as it has its own excellent web site - as well as several books about it - but instead concentrates on the less well known or researched branch which ran from Noyelles via Forest l'Abbaye to Dompierre-sur-Authie in the north, with a junction line running south to Abbeville.

We'll look at the route section by section, starting at the northern terminal of Dompierre - this can be accessed via the menu to the right hand side of this page.

Use this menu to jump to the various stations as well as to look at maps and photographs of both what the line looked like when it was operating and what remains to this day (2013/2024)